Friday, January 26, 2007

New photos

Three new photos taken recently...

Center city Philadelphia looking west from twelve floors up.

Black tower
Black Tower
Water tower above 7th and Chestnut Streets

Nicole's corner
Nicole's Corner

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I hate it when I stretch a canvas and it winds up not being as tight as I thought it would be.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

studio (1.17.07)

Another day in the studio. Only this time, E was there, too. She managed to take a few shots of me working without my knowing it. I tend to be able to stay in my own headspace even with someone there. I'm concsious of her being there, but I'm also able to stay focused on whatever it is that I'm working on, too. E kept herself busy with painting wooden cigar boxes she's purchased recently.

I'm working on a commissioned painting and stretched the canvas today. This is going to be a vertical work-60" x 50".

In addition to stretching the large canvas, I also worked on a couple of smaller paintings...

Just standing and thinking about what I was going to do next with the painting and had a lot of nervous energy. I was unconcsiously tapping the brush against my leg...

Looking, thinking...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Charlotte Yudis (1939-2007)

This week is becoming sadder by the minute, it seems, when it comes to people in the arts that I know dying.

I was just reading through Artblog and came across a notice of the death of Charlotte Yudis, printmaker and teacher. Charlotte taught at Fleisher Art Memorial for many years. I studied etching with Charlotte Yudis for three terms. She was amazingly knowledgeable about printmaking and went to great lengths to make first timers as well as more experienced people comfortable with taking risks with printmaking. I'll always remember her easy-going, bright nature and encouraging teaching style.

Here is a link to the announcement of her death on the Fleisher website

There is also a video of her done by Vincent Romaniello on his site (scroll down to 'Blogroll' and click on the links under her name to access the videos)

a death in the family

Some sad news to post. Chris Lyon, a fellow painter and all around genuine person, died this week due to a motorcycle accident. I don't know the details, but either he was hit by a large truck or vice-versa.

It's always difficult to know what to say or even feel at times like this. I only know that Chris was one of the finest people and dedicated artists I've ever known. Chris was always good-natured and easy to talk to.

He will be missed...