Monday, September 17, 2012

The 100 Most Iconic Artworks of the Last 5 Years | Artinfo

The 100 Most Iconic Artworks of the Last 5 Years | Artinfo

Hey, guess what? It's a list of the "most iconic" artworks of the past five years, brought to you by the good people over at ArtInfo. It seems that, according to the article, that "mass spectacle" with the "artist as stage director" has beat out traditional image makers by a long shot. Not to worry, it's just a list that will be replaced by another one in due time...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

CFVEA Direct Dialogues: In Print

Philadelphia-area artists: Interested in finding out how to negotiate the ins and outs of art publishing? Check out the next Direct Dialogues event at the Center for Emerging Visual Artists:

Center for Emerging Visual Artists Direct Dialogues:
In Print- Publishing Information and Advice for Visual Artists

Thursday, September 20, 2012 @ 5:30pm

Speakers: David Rech, Director of Publisher Se
rvices, Scribe Inc.
John Woodin, Photographer and Adjunct Associate
Professor, University of the Arts

Interested in seeing your work in print? Want to know how to make that happen? Join us for a conversation that will explore the publishing field from the inside. Learn how the industry works and how to best pull together your materials for a competitive proposal. In addition, hear a visual artist’s perspective of how to approach the often daunting process of getting your artwork published.

Location: The Center for Emerging Visual Artists,
237 South 18th Street, Suite 3a
Philadelphia, Pa 19103

All programs begin at 5:30 pm. Each session is $12.00. Registration is required. Individuals who have not pre-registered are not guaranteed a seat. To reserve a space or to receive more information about The Center for Emerging Visual Artists or Direct Dialogues Lecture Series, please contact Genevieve Coutroubis, by phone (215) 546 - 7775 x 11 or by email

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Studio visit: Tim Eads (9.01.12)

I had the pleasure of meeting up with Tim Eads recently and spent a good part of the afternoon talking shop and getting to see some of his recent work, as well as some in-progress pieces. Tim's practice includes sculpture, works on paper, printmaking, and interactive installation. This year, Tim's work was selected as part of the West Collects competition and his work will be included in upcoming shows, including "Switched On Garden" (with collaborator, Austen Brown), a one-day art and sound event taking place in historic Bartram's Garden in Philadelphia on October 14th. Tim Eads will also have work in the Centennial Juried Exhibition at the Delaware Art Museum beginning October 20th.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Joanne Mattera Art Blog: Fifty Shades of Gray

Think gray has little or no personality? You might want to rethink that position after taking a look at Joanne Mattera's recent blog post: 

Joanne Mattera Art Blog: Fifty Shades of Gray