Sunday, June 27, 2010

John Millei

I just found out about the work of L.A.-based painter, John Millei, through a completely random blog link. I love how that works out for the better sometimes, because I'm really enjoying discoverying Millei's varied bodies of work. In this video, Millei talks about some of the ideas that helped him develop his Maritime and White Squall series.

You can see more images of John Millei's work on the Ace Gallery website: John Millei at Ace

Friday, June 25, 2010

Studio break: 6.23.10

Taking a much-needed break. There are times in the studio where I'll work and suddenly realize that I've completely zoned out while studying a painting in progress because I've forgotten to eat for a long period. The watermelon was all that was left of the food I had, but with the heat of the day, the most welcome.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Studio: 6.21.10

"Your post post-modern blank stare of conceptual indifference is no match for my Art-fu!"

Just a little goofing before getting down to business. Today was one of those days where I really needed to get a laugh to excorcise some personal anxiety and getting this photo down and coming up with that caption did the trick. That, along with some Tool, made things go along pretty well.




Last week and into the weekend, I stretched my first canvas in over a year. Most of my recent work has been on wood panels. However, the last thing I want to have to deal with is a five-foot square panel, so returning to canvas was a must. I wasn't looking forward to dealing with keeping the corners square while stretching it, but things went much better than I imagined. I hope that I'm not jinxing myself, but this was one of the easiest stretching jobs I've had at this size.

My Art-fu is winning, so least I think it is....sometimes you can never tell. This is very much in an in-progress state with many more changes to come.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Studio visit-Vincent Romaniello

Last week, I met up with Vincent Romaniello at his studio. It had been a long time since I'd last visited and there was a lot of new works completed and in the making, which was exciting to see. My main experience of Romaniello's work has been through painting, which always had an edge of materiality about them. One show that comes to mind was one he had at the Philadelphia Art Alliance maybe three years ago, where he showed large, mixed-media works whose surfaces read more like Japanese rock gardens with furrows of sand, gesso and other materials activating the painting surfaces.

Since then, Vince's studio practice has grown to include assemblage projects where he makes use of building materials like insulation foam and everyday objects, while expanding his painting practice to include poured paintings like those in his 'Tectonic' series.

Vince's work can be seen in two upcoming shows:

Campfire Art
Presented by Winkel & Balktick
June 19, 2010
Brooklyn, NY

Philadelphia Painters
Curated by Matthew Farina
July 6-August 17, 2010

Opening Reception:
Thursday, July 8, 6-8pm

547 West 27th Street
New York, NY

Thursday, June 10, 2010

From the studio: untitled

Untitled, 2010, acrylic on panel, 24" x 24"

A new, as of now, untitled work on the studio wall.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

My work on "My Daily Thread"

All this week, you can see images of my work featured on the 'Daily Galleries' over at "My Daily Thread". Each day, different images will be shown, so check back each day to see something new: Tim McFarlane on "My Daily Thead"

Also, if you're in Philadelphia, be sure to stop by the Bridgette Mayer Gallery to see this month's benefit exhibition for Ready, Willing, & Able. I have three new works in the show and there are 100 10" x 10" panels by national and local artists on view. The show is up through July 2nd.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Louise Bourgeois, Influentual Sculptor, Dies at 98 - Obituary (Obit) -

Louise Bourgeois, Influentual Sculptor, Dies at 98 - Obituary (Obit) -

This is the full obituary for Louise Bourgeios, who died earlier today (Monday 5.31.10).

This was really sad to hear. She had an amazing personality and was a great artist.