"Your post post-modern blank stare of conceptual indifference is no match for my Art-fu!"
Just a little goofing before getting down to business. Today was one of those days where I really needed to get a laugh to excorcise some personal anxiety and getting this photo down and coming up with that caption did the trick. That, along with some
Tool, made things go along pretty well.
Last week and into the weekend, I stretched my first canvas in over a year. Most of my recent work has been on wood panels. However, the last thing I want to have to deal with is a five-foot square panel, so returning to canvas was a must. I wasn't looking forward to dealing with keeping the corners square while stretching it, but things went much better than I imagined. I hope that I'm not jinxing myself, but this was one of the easiest stretching jobs I've had at this size.
My Art-fu is winning, so far...at least I think it is....sometimes you can never tell. This is very much in an in-progress state with many more changes to come.