Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Long Portraits

Long Portrait #1 from Simon James French on Vimeo.

I just found this video this morning and remembered how much I like the long portrait format. I especially like this one from Simon James French because of the lighting, textures and music. I first encountered the long portrait format this summer while browsing online and have been hooked ever since. There are a few long portraits here by photographer Clayton Cubitt, who is responsible for the popularity of the long portrait format. I'd like to experiment with this idea to see what can happen. I'll probably post others that I find interesting as I find them.

"Long Portrait: The long portrait is a video made popular on Vimeo by photographer Clayton Cubitt . A long portrait is exactly like it sounds, a portrait that is long. It’s like a photo of someone, but stretched out in video form to show the person’s small expressions, mannerisms and gestures.”

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