Wednesday, October 19, 2011

POST: For those who couldn't make it...

A look around the studio as it was set up for the Philadelphia Open Studio Tours.

It was a great couple of days with lots of great conversations, new faces and some that I hadn't seen in a while. The great weather brought out a lot of visitors and the new work generated some good dialogue and feedback. Thanks to those who were able to make it out and thanks to the organizers of the Philadelphia Open Studio Tours for helping to make it happen!


Paul Behnke said...

Looks great Tim!
Good seeing you at becker's

Adeaner said...

As they say, "thanks for sharing".
No, really! thanks. It's good to be in your studio via photos.
Have you ever considered a short video tour of your studio? That would be so fantastic!

Tim McFarlane said...

Paul: Thanks! Good to see you guys, also.

tackad: You're welcome. I actually have a short video that I shot maybe three or four years ago somewhere around. I've thought about doing short studio videos, but just haven't gotten to it.