A rainy Sunday in Old City
You see the grey spatter and drips on the pieces above? That's the result of using one hand to move a large piece of foam core with a piece of paper on it with one hand, a brush in the other and knocking over an open container of paint. I don't know how many "F-bombs" I dropped once I saw the damage, but it was one for the record books.
Ladies and gentlemen, take heed: always, always, always put recently finished works somewhere out of the way of any working area in your studio. Even if you think, "this will be ok here for a moment", that's when things like my experience will happen. At the very least, cover them with something, just in case and...
...always have a stash of chocolate on hand to deal with the aftermath.
truer experiences are always that close, and you only learn from f-ing up, so I've learned, keep up the work, looking sharp so far!
"...always, always, always put recently finished works somewhere out of the way of any working area in your studio. Even if you think, "this will be ok here for a moment"... --
Great advice, but it is sometimes to difficult to follow from my own experience. Yet, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, if I take the few seconds to move things away.
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